Managed Pools

BPT Supply


returns (uint256)

Returns the effective BPT Supply. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


To consume the BPT supply, users need to query getActualSupply rather than the typical totalSupply; since Managed Pools have pre-minted BPT, totalSupply will return type(uint111).max. Instead, querying getActualSupply accounts for the true functional supply and takes due protocol fees (paid in BPT) into consideration.

Since this function reads balances directly from the Vault, it is potentially subject to manipulation via reentrancy. To call this function safely, attempt to trigger the reentrancy guard in the Vault by calling a non-reentrant function before calling getActualSupply.

Swap Fees


returns (uint256)

Returns the current value of the swap fee percentage. If the swap fee is gradually being updated, the return value will represent the swap fee at the time of the last confirmed block. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


returns (uint256 startTime,
         uint256 endTime,
         uint256 startSwapFeePercentage,
         uint256 endSwapFeePercentage)

Returns the current gradual swap fee update parameters. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


updateSwapFeeGradually(uint256 startTime,
                       uint256 endTime,
                       uint256 startSwapFeePercentage,
                       uint256 endSwapFeePercentage)

emits GradualSwapFeeUpdateScheduled(uint256 startTime,
                                    uint256 endTime,
                                    uint256 startSwapFeePercentage,
                                    uint256 endSwapFeePercentage)

Schedules a gradual update in swap fees at the block timestamp provided in startTime, up until endTime. This is a permissioned function that can only be called by an authorized address. If the pool is paused, the call will revert. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.



returns (uint256[] memory)

Returns the normalized weights in the same order as the pool's tokens. If the weights are gradually being updated, the return value will represent the normalized weights at the time of the last confirmed block. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


returns (uint256 startTime,
         uint256 endTime,
         uint256[] memory startWeights,
         uint256[] memory endWeights)

Returns the current gradual weight change update parameters. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


updateWeightsGradually(uint256 startTime,
                       uint256 endTime,
                       IERC20[] memory tokens,
                       uint256[] memory endWeights)

emit GradualWeightUpdateScheduled(uint256 startTime,
                                  uint256 endTime,
                                  uint256[] startWeights,
                                  uint256[] endWeights)

Schedules a gradual weight change at the block timestamp provided in startTime, up until endTime. This is a permissioned function that can only be called by an authorized address set by the owner. If the pool is paused, the call will revert. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.

Joins and Exits


returns (bool)

Returns whether joins and exits are enabled. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


setJoinExitEnabled(bool joinExitEnabled)

emits JoinExitEnabledSet(bool joinExitEnabled)

Enables or disables joins and exits. This is a permissioned function that can only be called by an authorized address set by the owner. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


This does not affect Recovery Mode exits



returns (bool)

Returns whether swaps are enabled. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


setSwapEnabled(bool swapEnabled)

emit SwapEnabledSet(bool swapEnabled)

Enables or disables trading. This is a permissioned function that can only be called by an authorized address set by the owner. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.



returns (bool)

Returns whether the allowlist for Liquidity Providers in enabled. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


isAddressOnAllowlist(address member) 
returns (bool)

Returns whether a given address, member, is on the allowlist. Checks the allowlist regardless of whether the allowlist features is enabled. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


addAllowedAddress(address member)

emits AllowlistAddressAdded(address indexed member)

Adds an address, member, to the LP allowlist. This is a permissioned function that can only be called by an authorized address set by the owner. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


removeAllowedAddress(address member)

emits AllowlistAddressRemoved(address indexed member)

Removes an address, member, from the LP allowlist. Any member who has joined a pool and is later removed from the LP allowlist is still able to exit. This is a permissioned function that can only be called by an authorized address set by the owner. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


setMustAllowlistLPs(bool mustAllowlistLPs)

emit MustAllowlistLPsSet(bool mustAllowlistLPs)

Enables or disables the LP allowlist. If a LP has already joined the pool and the allowlist is later turned on, that user will still be able to exit. This is a permissioned function that can only be called by an authorized address set by the owner. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.

AUM Fees


returns (uint256 aumFeePercentage, uint256 lastCollectionTimestamp)

Returns the AUM fee percentage as an 18-decimal fixed point number, and the timestamp of the last collection of AUM fees. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


setManagementAumFeePercentage(uint256 managementAumFeePercentage)
returns (uint256)

emits ManagementAumFeePercentageChanged(uint256 managementAumFeePercentage)

Sets the yearly percentage AUM fee, which is payable to the pool owner. The amount of BPT minted to the manager before the update is returned. This is a permissioned function that can only be called by an authorized address set by the owner. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.



emits ManagementAumFeeCollected(uint256 bptAmount)

Collects any accrued AUM fees and sends them to the Managed pool owner. It will also be called automatically whenever supply changes occur (e.g., joins/exits, add/remove token) and before any fee percentage changes. This is not a permissioned function and can be called by anyone. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.

Circuit Breakers


getCircuitBreakerState(IERC20 token)
returns (uint256 bptPrice,
         uint256 referenceWeight,
         uint256 lowerBound,
         uint256 upperBound,
         uint256 lowerBptPriceBound,
         uint256 upperBptPriceBound)

Returns the full circuit breaker state for a given token. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


  • bptPrice: The current price of BPT, denominated in token.
  • referenceWeight: The token's weight when the circuit breaker was set.


setCircuitBreakers(IERC20[] memory tokens,
                   uint256[] memory bptPrices,
                   uint256[] memory lowerBoundPercentages,
                   uint256[] memory upperBoundPercentages)

emit CircuitBreakerSet(IERC20 indexed token,
                       uint256 bptPrice,
                       uint256 lowerBoundPercentage,
                       uint256 upperBoundPercentage)

Sets a current circuit breaker for one or more tokens. The lower and upper bound percentages correspond to a relative change in the token's spot price. An example of this would be that a lower bound of 0.8 means the breaker should prevent trades that result in the value of the token dropping 20% or more relative to the rest of the pool. This is a permissioned function that can only be called by an authorized address set by the owner. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.

Add/Remove Tokens

Add Token

addToken(IERC20 tokenToAdd,
         address assetManager,
         uint256 tokenToAddNormalizedWeight,
         uint256 mintAmount,
         address recipient)

emits TokenAdded(IERC20 indexed token, uint256 normalizedWeight)

Adds a token, tokenToAdd, to the pool's list of tradeable tokens. This is a permissioned function that can only be called by an authorized address set by the owner. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


When adding a new token to a pool, the weights of all other tokens will be decreased. The new token will have a balance of zero, so it is up to the owner to provide some immediate liquidity after calling this function.

Regular joins do not work when a new token has a balance of zero. The only way to deposit an initial amount is by using an Asset Manager.

Remove Token

removeToken(IERC20 tokenToRemove,
            uint256 burnAmount,
            address sender)

emits TokenRemoved(IERC20 indexed token)

Removes a token, tokenToRemove, to the pool's list of tradeable tokens. This is a permissioned function that can only be called by an authorized address set by the owner. Implemented in ManagedPoolSettings.


Tokens can only be removed if the pool has more than two tokens (not including BPT).

When removing a token from a pool, the weights of all other tokens will be increased. The removed token will have a balance of zero, so it is up to the owner to withdraw any remaining liquidity after calling this function via an Asset Manager.